When Brryan Jackson's father injected his son's infant body with a syringe full of HIV-infected blood, he hoped he'd never see him grow up. Nobody ever imagined that 24 years later, he'd be facing his strapping young son in court to hear about the devastating impact of his crime.
当Brryan Jackson的父亲向自己的儿子注射一管HIV感染的血液时,他或许希望这个婴儿永远消失。始料未及的是二十四年后,他与儿子对簿公堂,曾经所犯的种种罪行被一一列出。
He takes a deep breath, fixes his eyes firmly on the parole board and begins to tell his story.
It begins when his mother and father met at a military training facility in Missouri, where they were both training as medics. They moved in together and five months later - in mid-1991 - his mother was pregnant.
"When I was first born my father was really excited, but everything changed when he went away for Operation Desert Storm. He came back from Saudi Arabia with a completely different attitude towards me," Jackson says.
Stewart began denying Jackson was his child, demanding DNA tests as proof of paternity, and became verbally and physically abusive towards Jackson's mother.
When she finally left him, the couple fought bitterly over child support payments, which Stewart refused to pay. During their fights he would make sinister threats, Jackson says. "He used to say things like, 'Your child's not going to live beyond the age of five,' and 'When I leave you I'm not going to leave any ties behind.'"
Meanwhile Stewart, who had found work as a blood tester in a laboratory, had begun secretly taking samples of infected blood to store at home, investigators later discovered.
"He used to joke around with colleagues saying, 'If I wanted to infect someone with one of these viruses they'd never even know what hit them,'" Jackson says.
By the time Jackson was 11 months old, his mother and father had all but lost contact. But when Jackson was hospitalised following an asthma attack, his mother picked up the phone.
"My mother called my father to let him know - she assumed he'd want to know his son was sick. When she called, his colleagues said, 'Bryan Stewart doesn't have a kid.'"
The day Jackson was due to be discharged, Stewart paid an unexpected visit to the hospital.
"He wasn't a very active father so everyone thought it was strange when he showed up," Jackson says.
"He sent my Mum down to the cafeteria to get a drink so he was alone with me."
When the coast was clear, Stewart took out a vial of HIV-tainted blood and injected it into his son.
"He was hoping I would die off so he wouldn't have to pay child support," Jackson says.
His mother returned to find him screaming in his father's arms. "My vital signs were all out of whack because it wasn't just HIV blood he had injected me with, it was incompatible with mine."
The doctors were baffled. Oblivious to the deadly virus now coursing through his veins, they restored his pulse, temperature and breathing to normal and sent him home expecting him to live a full and healthy life.
But in the weeks that followed, Jackson's mother saw her lively child's body begin to deteriorate before her eyes.
Desperate for a diagnosis, for four years "she carried me to numerous doctors' appointments begging them to find out why I was near death," Jackson says. But none of the tests they ran gave any clue.
Even though he was a child, Jackson was aware his situation was frightening. "I remember waking up in the middle of the night screaming, 'Please Mum don't let me die!'" he says.
One night, after he had been checked for every disease imaginable, his paediatrician woke up from a nightmare and called the hospital to ask them to test for HIV.
1. 人类免疫缺陷病毒(Human Immunodeficiency Virus),即艾滋病(AIDS,获得性免疫缺陷综合征)病毒,是造成人类免疫系统缺陷的一种病毒。
Operation Desert Storm:
The Gulf War (2 August 1990 – 28 February 1991), codenamed Operation Desert Shield (2 August 1990 – 17 January 1991) for operations leading to the buildup of troops and defense of Saudi Arabia and Operation Desert Storm (17 January 1991 – 28 February 1991) in its combat phase, was a war waged by coalition forces from 34 nations led by the United States against Iraq in response to Iraq's invasion and annexation of Kuwait.
2. ?He takes a deep breath, fixes his eyes firmlyon the parole board and begins to tell his story.
他深呼吸一下,牢牢注视着假释委员会,开始将他的故事娓娓道来。 来自 James_231
这句话中的fix on是日常生活中常见的短语,表示“使……集中于”,在这里fix one’s eyes on……是说目光,另外还可以用来说感情、注意力等等。
?"When I was first born my father wasreally excited, but everything changed when he went away for Operation DesertStorm. He came back from Saudi Arabia with a completely different attitudetowards me," Jackson says.
“当我出生的时候,我的父亲非常激动。但是当他离开家去参加沙漠风暴行动之后,一切都不一样了。他从沙特阿拉伯回来之后,对我的态度和以前截然不同。”杰克逊讲道。 来自 捕蝶
Jackson说,“我刚出生时,父亲可激动了,但在他参加‘沙漠风暴行动’归来之后,一切都变得不一样了。从沙特阿拉伯回来后,父亲对我的态度来了个大转弯。” 来自 James_231
Operation Desert Storm“沙漠风暴行动”是海湾战争中的一个重要行动。
TheGulf War (2 August 1990–28 February 1991), codenamedOperationDesert Shield (2 August 1990–17 January 1991) for operations leading tothe buildup of troops and defense of Saudi Arabia and Operation Desert Storm(17January 1991–28 February 1991) in its combat phase, was a war waged bycoalition forcesfrom 34 nations led by the United StatesagainstIraqin response toIraq's invasion and annexation of Kuwait.
?When she finally left him, the couple foughtbitterly over child support payments, which Stewart refused to pay.
父母离婚时,父亲拒绝支付Brryan的抚养费,为此父母争论不休。来自 可威咪
两人分手时就孩子的抚养支付问题吵得很凶,斯图尔特拒绝支付。 来自 walker597 (忘记上课的Clara)
Bitterly,意思有“苦涩地”“悲痛地”,以及在这里的意思“强烈地”。Fought bitterly结合语境翻译成“吵得不可开交”“争论不休”很贴切。最后的whichStewart refused to pay是非限制性定语从句,在此说明父亲拒付child supportpayments(子女抚养费)是父母争执的原因所在。
?His mother returned to find him screaming inhis father's arms. "My vital signs were all out of whack because it wasn'tjust HIV blood he had injected me with, it was incompatible with mine."
杰克森母亲回来后发现他正在他父亲的怀里大声哭喊。“我的生命体征都出现异常,因为他注射进我体内的血液不但携带HIV病毒,还和我的血型不溶。 来自cherry_liu1(樱桃)
当他的母亲回来时发现他在他父亲的怀里尖叫,“我的生命体征彻底混乱了,因为那不只是含艾滋病病毒的血液,还和我的血液相排斥。” 来自捕蝶
母亲回去的时候,发现儿子在他父亲臂弯里大喊大叫。“我的生命体征完全失衡了,不仅因为他给我注射的是艾滋病血液,而且还和我的血型不相配。”来自 James_231
All out of whack,形容一种失控、反常、坏掉的状况。Incompatible是互斥的、不能同时成立的,可以用来表示药物、血型、命题、选项等互不相容的关系,在这里是说父亲注射的血液和Jackson自身的血液不匹配(会出现危及生命的溶血或凝血反应)。
But in the weeks that followed,Jackson's mother saw her lively child's body begin to deteriorate before hereyes.
但接下来的几周,Jackson的母亲眼睁睁看着自己生龙活虎的孩子身体每况愈下。来自 可威咪
But in the weeks that followed, Jackson's mother saw herlively child's body begin to deteriorate before her eyes.
但在接下来的数周之内,Jackson的母亲眼睁睁看着她活蹦乱跳的孩子身体状况日益恶化。来自 James_231
“眼睁睁地看着……”形神兼备地把 saw……before her eyes母亲绝望无助的状态反映了出来。Lively,活泼的,结合句意,描述小孩子的样子,可以生动地翻译成“生龙活虎的”。Deteriorate“每况愈下”也是这样灵活的翻译方式。
But the generous one has generous intentions,
And in generous endeavors he perseveres.